HTML::macro('name', function(){});
// Convert an HTML string to entities
// Convert entities to HTML characters
// Generate a link to a JavaScript file
HTML::script($url, $attributes);
// Generate a link to a CSS file
HTML::style($url, $attributes);
// Generate an HTML image element
HTML::image($url, $alt, $attributes);
// Generate a HTML link
HTML::link($url, 'title', $attributes, $secure);
// Generate a HTTPS HTML link
HTML::secureLink($url, 'title', $attributes);
// Generate a HTML link to an asset
HTML::linkAsset($url, 'title', $attributes, $secure);
// Generate a HTTPS HTML link to an asset
HTML::linkSecureAsset($url, 'title', $attributes);
// Generate a HTML link to a named route
HTML::linkRoute($name, 'title', $parameters, $attributes);
// Generate a HTML link to a controller action
HTML::linkAction($action, 'title', $parameters, $attributes);
// Generate a HTML link to an email address
HTML::mailto($email, 'title', $attributes);
// Obfuscate an e-mail address to prevent spam-bots from sniffing it
// Generate an ordered list of items
HTML::ol($list, $attributes);
// Generate an un-ordered list of items
HTML::ul($list, $attributes);
// Create a listing HTML element
HTML::listing($type, $list, $attributes);
// Create the HTML for a listing element
HTML::listingElement($key, $type, $value);
// Create the HTML for a nested listing attribute
HTML::nestedListing($key, $type, $value);
// Build an HTML attribute string from an array
// Build a single attribute element
HTML::attributeElement($key, $value);
// Obfuscate a string to prevent spam-bots from sniffing it

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